I found a pair of New Balance shoes at work, left new balance walking shoes for men abandoned in my newly acquired cubical. I don't know who left them there, but I was wearing uncomfortable high heels and to my surprise and amazement the shoes were exactly my size and fit like a glove! My white co-worker thought I was being gross. I quickly explained to her that it was the Law of Attraction in my favor, I was destined to have these free shoes since I had passed by the New Balance warehouse in Brighton, Mass two days before and obviously the universe new I wanted them.
New Balance does make great shoes- they hold up pretty well and they are cushy and wide for those of use without narrow feet. I'll admit though it is funny how if you don't want to wear nice loafers or something with jeans you can throw on classic new new balance womens 1080 balances and that somehow is acceptable. On a side note- is all this anti-semitism crap for real. I'm pretty knew to this blog but it seems that there are two types who seem to dominate- illiterate racists who invoke christianity as a convoluted justification and smarmy dipshits who say things new balance 880 womens like transubstantiating jesus blood drinkers rather than simply calling a duck a duck and saying christian.
white people wear new balance or asics or the brown shoes you cant tie. that aint no lie. so when your walkin down the street take a look at their feet. you will soon see that they are everywhere but you wont care like me. cuz my feet will be bare before i try a pair..of white people shoes that can be worn by some jews. unless they are like me and refuse to wear that gear on their feet. so id like you new balance cruz to share with me if you ever meet.. a white person with brand new J's on their feet. i will continue my rhyme as soon as some one gives me a beat. or let my main man finish cuz we call him mencrezey.
Another white person reports: My good friend is unabashedly unhip. He might be kinda republican but hides it around me. He owns two pairs of New Balance runners that he wears with jeans and a Ralph Lauren polo to his office job, like a uniform. He is not a runner. These shoes see a lot of short pile nylon flooring.Do you know why I wear New Balance 608's? Because they freakin' FIT!!! And they last for a very long time. Nike's and Reebok's won't make it a year, they start coming apart after a few months. They are garbage. Now that Converse disappeared and then came back with outrageous prices instead of being the economy shoe, New Balance is the only way to go for athletic shoes. Sorry dude, Asics suck too.
I think white people wear New Balances because the 992 (I think that's what they're on, I switched to Aasics) is one of the few decent new balance toddler shoes looking shoes. It's not a fashion show. It's simply a running shoe that doesn't look like some form of urban day-glo artwork. They're also pretty good running shoes, for marathon training of course.
Wow. I have never felt so "with it". I have worn New Balance for about 4 years and had no idea of their status until coming across this blog today. I just hope no one notices, because I am happy to be considered totally unfashionable. Has anybody got some advice for me as to how to respond should I be accused of being like the rest of "them".